רשימה או טבלה: T-S Ar.35.263

רשימה או טבלה T-S Ar.35.263


Business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions the date 16 Dhū l-Qaʿda 597 AH = 18 August 1201 CE. Mentions people such as "Salām(a?) al-Maghribī who sells me Sicilian cotton... the friend of the ʿIrāqī... Abū l-Yāsir the Christian (al-Naṣrānī) who lives in the alley of al-Karma... Yūsuf al-Wāsiṭī... a Sicilian coppersmith (ṣāniʿ nuḥās siqillī)... sayyid ʿUthmān... ʿImrān b. Makārim who collected money for a fine blanket (malḥafa rafīʿa)... Sulaymān al-Yahūdī and Sitt Ziyāda... ʿAlī in New Cairo... [...] al-Yahūdī Ibn al-Maqdisī