מסמך משפטי: T-S NS 321.50

מסמך משפטי T-S NS 321.50



Legal document. Partnership agreement (copy). Written in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dating: 1112 CE (based on T-S Misc.28.263). Goitein records that this fragment is from a copy of the document from which T-S Misc.28.263, also in this documentary corpus, emerged. Both fragments refer to the renewal of a trading partnership worth 3,750 dinars for which profits are divided equally, and the partners are granted an allowance for their maintenance. The parties are Berakhot b. Yaʿaqov; Abū l-Wafāʾ Tamīm b. Ḥalfon. (Information from Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture," 260.)

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Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).


  1. […] good … […]
  2. […] that, and those of us who wrote our names together. Likewise …[…]
  3. […] his fellow enacted, agreeing with all of us, our intention being upright […]
  4. […] … from his fe[ll]ow and … renewal […]
  5. […] testify in Jew[ish] law [or in] Gen[tile la]w […]
  6. […] … even the value of a f[arthing or more …]
  7. […] from a quarter, and specie, merchandise, items of trade, a commenda (muḍāraba), and debts […]
  8. […] therein, and everyone of us is obligated by that which his fellow does with the wo[rkers (muāmilīn)…]
  9. […] upon one of us in that which was after that term which we partnered (mukhtaliṭīn), and all that whi[ch…]
  10. […he will] purchase from […] … and everything named in the document […]
  11. […] for him specifically, the entire half, and neither of us is req[uired …]
  12. […] the marriage at the time of my wedding from the capital of this partnership (shirka) […]
  13. […] that he will take from the “middle” as much as I took at the time of […]
  14. […] I, together, and the renewal of this partnership was established in the presenc[e …]
  15. […] … he did what he wanted, and everything which he […]
  16. […] and acts, that the capital […]
  17. [… fr]om now on, or in maintenance in which he is obligated […]
  18. […] which is between us in halves, ex[actly …]
  19. […] to the other […] even the value of a farthing or more […]
  20. […] the appropriate [legal formu]lae and the expressions of certainty, and using all the language of cla[ims …]
  21. […] … in […] without duress […]
  22. […] any of the factors which invalidate testimony, that we have […]
  23. […] … […]

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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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