מסמך משפטי: T-S 18J1.10

מסמך משפטי T-S 18J1.10



Marriage contract in Arabic script. Dating: 1028–36 CE, based on the mention of the judge ʿAbd al-Ḥākim b. Saʿīd (b. Mālik) b. Saʿīd. Groom: ʿAlī b. Ṭāhir the gatekeeper (bawwāb). Bride: Fāṭima bt. Abū l-Ḥasan. The document is cut off on the left, presumably by the scribe who reused the document for the Jewish will on verso several decades later (see PGPID 5919).

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Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1. هذا ما أصدق على بن طاهر البواب فاطمة ابنة أبي الحـ[ـسن] 

  2. ذهبا عينا وازنة مجربة جيادا على ان من ذلك دینارین نقدا حالا [سنوات]

  3. متواليات کوامل اولها تاريخ هذا الكتاب وعليه أن يتقي الله عز وجل فيها ويحـ[ـسن صحبتها وسنة محمد صلى الله عليه]

  4. وعلى اله وسلم تسليما وله عليها مثل الذي لها عليه من ذلك ودرجة زاىـ[ـدة] 

  5. بما جعل اليه قاضي القضاة السعيد العادل شرف الملة شمس الأمير خليل امـ[ـير المومنين عبد]

  6. الحاكم بن سعيد بن سعيد واذنه له فيه وافاضته اياه لذلك وهو يومئذ .[       ]

  7. الطاهرين وسلم تسليما على القاهر المحروس ومصر والاسكندرية والحرمین المحر[وسین]

  8. بامره في المظالم وبعد ان رفعت فاطمة هذه رقعة الى باقي القضاة وسالت [      ]

  9. وبامرها ورضاها واذنها له فيه وتوكيلها اياه لذلك واشهادتهـ[ـا ]

  10. وهما تعرفا بها بعينها واسمها ونسبها وانها ايم [امـ]راة مسلمة بالغ با[      ]

  11. وزوجها هذا الشاهد المسما من خاطبها المذكور بالصداق عاجله واجله و .[      ]

  12. شهد على اقرار المزوج والزوج بما فيه بعد قراته عليهما وكتب ...... [       ]

  13. شهد على بن الحسن بن على ...... على اقرار [عـ]ـلـ[ـيى بن] طا[هر ]


Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  1. This is what ʿAlī ibn Ṭāhir, the gatekeeper, granted to Fāṭima ibnat Abī al-Ḥasan  [ ]  

  2. gold, in minted coin, full weight, assayed, of good alloy, two dīnārs thereof being  paid immediately [ ]  

  3. consecutive, complete years, beginning on the date of this document. He must fear God, the mighty and glorious, with regard to her and make [companionship  with her] pleasant [ and the sunna of Muḥammad, God bless  him]

  4. and his family and save them; Her duty to him consists of what is incumbent  upon him with regard to her in this matter and one degree more [ ]  

  5. according to what the qāḍī al-quḍāh, the auspicious, the just, honour of the community, sun of the amir, close friend of the commander [of the faithful ʿAbd]  

  6. al-Ḥākim ibn Saʿīd ibn Saʿīd assigned to him, the permission he granted to him  regarding it and the authorization he granted him in that respect; and he, on this  day, [ ]  

  7. pure [ ] and save them, over Cairo, the guarded, Fusṭāṭ, Alexandria and the  two sanctuaries, the guarded ones [ ]  

  8. by his instruction in the maẓālim court, after this Fāṭima had submitted a petition  to the other judges requesting [ ]  

  9. with her authority, satisfaction and permission granted to him regarding it, her  entrusting him to act for her in this and her calling to witness [  ]  

  10. and they recognized her in body, name and genealogy, and (recognized) that she  is an unmarried, adult, Muslim woman .. [ ]  

  11. and this witness, named (above), married her to her aforementioned suitor with  the marriage gift, cash and credit, and . [ ] 

  12. The acknowledgement by the one carrying out the marriage and by the husband  of what is contained herein was witnessed after it had been read to them. It was  written ... [ ] 

Witness Clause 

  1.   ʿAlī  ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī ibn .... testified to the acknowledgement of [ʿAlī ibn] Ṭā[hir ] 

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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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