מסמך שלטוני: T-S Ar.4.10

מסמך שלטוני T-S Ar.4.10



Petition from a certain Jaʿfar to a Fatimid dignitary (qāʾid) in which Jaʿfar asks that the support (maʿūna) granted to him not be withdrawn because he has no on else to turn to but 'God'. (Information from Khan.)

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Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1.                                   العبد جعفر 

  2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

  3. عبد مولاى القائد الجليل اطال الله بقاه وادام عزه وتاييده وحراـ[ـسته]

  4. ونعمته وكبت اعداه يتهنا بحضرته الجليلة ادام الله حراستها بهذ(ه) السـ[ـنة]

  5. المباركة عشر و(خمسمائة (؟)      وخ)لد بركتها وجعلها على حضرته الجليلة ا[برك]

  6. سنة واسعدها ولا جعلها تاخر العهد منها وكذلك سيدى الكر[يم وحضرته]

  7. الجليلة ادام الله تاييدها اسل الله ان يجعلها عليها ابرك السنين بمنه وكرمه

  8. وعبده تهنى سيدى الم(  )ام القايد بما هى به واسال الله ان بيلغها امنـ[ـيته]

  9. والعبد يسل ان لا يخ(لو) ايديهم عنى فما لى احد ارجع اليه سواهم 

  10. فاسل الله ان يستجيب منى (صالح ما ادع)وه فيهم ليلا ونهارا والعبد متكل علـ[ـى]

  11. الله تعالى وعلى فضل جليل حضرته الجليلة فى المعونة وان لا يخلو

  12. ايديهم عنى اسل الله ان يستجيب منى صالح ما ادعوه والعبد والله مط[لوب]

  13. فى حال ضعف لا يرجع (الا) الى الله تعالى واليهم اسل الله ان يتمم عليهم نعمـ[ـه]


Right margin

  1. حسبنا الله وحده الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد النبى واله وسلم تسليم ان شا الله 


Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  1. The slave Jaʿfar

  2. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.

  3. The slave of my master, the glorious leader, may God prolong his life and cause to endure his strength, his support, his safety

  4. and his bounty and crush his enemies, congratulates his glorious presence, may God cause his safety to endure, in this blessed year

  5. [ hundred and] twenty, [may God and make eternal] its blessing, and make it the most blessed and happy year for his glorious presence

  6. and let it not bring the delay of a high appointment for him. Likewise my gracious lord [and] glorious [presence,]

  7. may God cause his support to endure, I ask God to make it for him the most blessed of years through his grace and munificence.

  8. His slave congratulates my lord [ ] the leader in his present circumstances and asks God to allow him to achieve his wish.

  9. The slave requests that they do not withdraw their support from me, for I have no one to turn to except them.

  10. I ask God to grant the pious prayers that I make for them day and night. The slave relies on

  11. God, the exalted, and on the munificence of his glorious presence for assistance in preventing them from

  12. withdrawing their support from me. I ask God to answer my pious prayers, for the slave is sorely pressed

  13. in a state of weakness. He has no one to turn to except God and them. I ask God to make complete for them his bounties.



  1. Our sufficiency is God, alone. Praise be to God alone, his benedictions be upon our lord Muḥammad, the prophet, and his family and save them, if God wills.

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