מסמך משפטי: SBB MSS simulata orientalia 6, fol. 26
מסמך משפטי SBB MSS simulata orientalia 6, fol. 26תיאור
Deed of sale of real estate. Only the recto was photographed. Location: Tyre. Dated: 4[.]60 AM, which could be 999/1000, 1099/1100, or 1199/1200 CE. Of these options, the most likely year is 1099/1100, based on the reference to the Great Sanhedrin (=yeshiva), as the Palestinian yeshiva moved from Jerusalem to Tyre in the early 1070s, and left Tyre around the time of the First Crusade. The seller is Efrayim b. Menashshe (ZL), the member of the Great Sanhedrin known as Ibn al-Bunduqī. The buyer is Binyamin ha-Levi b. Shemarya ha-Zaqen ha-Levi b. Yosef ha-Levi (ZL). The property itself, which consists of half a house, is described at great length, but the price paid for it, “in the coinage of the kingdom”, is lost in a lacuna. (Information from Gideon Bohak, "The Jewish Texts from the Qubbat al-Khazna," in The Damascus Fragments, ed. d'Ottone Rambach et al.)