טקסט ספרותי: JRL SERIES G 4
טקסט ספרותי JRL SERIES G 4תגים
Epistle concerning the messianic activities of Barukh Gad. In Ladino. Attributed to the imaginary King Aḥiṭuv b. ʿAzarya, ha-Nasi Yehoṣadaq b. ʿAzza, and ha-Zaqen Uriel b. Elyasaf. Versions of the same letter (in Hebrew) are dated to 1645/46 CE (e.g., K Visotski, Haschiloah: Litterarisch-wissenschaftliche Monatsschrift, Volume 1 (1896), p. 140). On this copy, one of the pages was reused for accounts/sums.