רשימה או טבלה: JRL SERIES C 119
רשימה או טבלה JRL SERIES C 119תגים
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic with eastern Arabic numerals. The dating is likely 19th-century based on the paleography. This bifolio was once part of a broader ledger– one of the headings begins with the common invocation "may this defter be blessed if God wills it." The accounts relate to income (וארד) from a variety of sources, such as the "ṭaʾifat al-qaṣabaya[?]" (טאייפת אלקצבאייה) which may be an erratic spelling meant to refer to a butcher's guild in Cairo. The following names appear in the accounts: (recto) Muḥammad Ṭara[?], al-Ḥajj Ismaʿīl, (verso) Muḥammad Ḥarārī, and Nissīm Ḥāmī, among others. MCD.