רשימה או טבלה: JRL SERIES C 72
רשימה או טבלה JRL SERIES C 72What's in the PGP
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Lists of payments and possibly other financial data in Judaeo-Arabic. The evidence of payment structure is clearest on the recto when the author notes on the left heading: "וצל מן יד כליל" or "coming from the hand of Khalīl". The monetary figures are expressed throughout in silver kuruş which is frequent referenced by the shorthand symbol "ق" and the gold maḥbūb is also mentioned at least once on the verso. The usage of both these coinage types helps to date the fragment as post-1703CE (when kuruş began to appear in wide circulation: Pamuk, A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire, 160). In the same list of incoming funds "by the hand of Khalīl" there is occasional reference to the Ottoman-era legal document known as "temmesük" which is here rendered as "ּתמסוך" and could represent the act of taking ownership of something and/or the paper title deed of property ownership. Some of the individuals mentioned include: Yaʿaqov Reʾuven, Yosef Ḥasōn, Saʿad Pinṭo, al-Ḥajj Ḥuseyn al-Ābī[?], and Ḥayyīm Ḥanān. On the verso, the lists are more scattered yet follow a format similar to the recto where more names can be found among the accounts: Ḥayyīm Zagadon[?]. Eliyyahu Shtawī, Yiṣḥaq Yaʿabes, Ḥayyīm Dayyan, MCD.