מכתב: AIU VII.E.244

מכתב AIU VII.E.244


Family letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Sent from Rome. Addressed to 'my son' Barhūn Naqqāsh. Dating: Likely late Mamluk or early Ottoman-era. "I remained in Sardinia (צרדאניא) for several months..." Further down, mentions Tripoli (טראבלס) and Cairo (אלקהרא). Greetings to various people. The first part of the letter concludes here, and then there is a new section (in the same handwriting) in the voice of Umm al-Banīn addressing her brother Nissim. She bemoans her prolonged separation from all her siblings and her isolation. She then addresses Umm Asʿad and gives her condolences on the death of her son. Many more greetings follow. ASE