מסמך משפטי: Yevr.-Arab. II 1622
מסמך משפטי Yevr.-Arab. II 1622תיאור
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Sunday, 14 Av 5430 AM, which is 1670 CE. Venue: House of Barukh Nasi nin Eliʿezer Ẓemaḥ. Shelomo Fayrūz b. Shemuel Fayrūz declares that he owes his wife Sitt al-Bayt bt. Yeshūʿa Fayrūz 21 esedi gurush ("al-gurush abī kalb"). He will repay the debt with 1 medin (nuṣf fiḍḍa) per day. Scribed and witnessed by Barukh Rofe. There is an addendum stating that he owes her an additional 4 gurush, which he will repay with 2 medins a day.