מסמך משפטי: Yevr. III B 636
מסמך משפטי Yevr. III B 636תגים
Verso (original use): Ketubba fragment. In the hand of Natan b. Shemuel. Dating: Prior to 1144 CE. Groom: Tamīm b. Yefet ha-Kohen. Witnesses: Ṣemaḥ b. Shemuel ha-Kohen; Elqana b. Shelomo. Recto (secondary use): Legal document. The settlement of a protracted marital dispute between the same Tamīm b. Yefet and his wife Sitt al-Khawāt. Needs further examination for the details of the resolution (אן יטרח מנה גמיע אלנדוניא ולא יבק עליה אחריות פי שי מנה ויבקא אסמה ואסמהא פי אלכתובה ומוכרהא עלי חאלה כמא הו). Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Adar 1455 Seleucid = February/March 1144 CE, under the authority of the Nagid Shemuel b. Ḥananya. Witnesses: Berakhot b. Aharon ha-Kohen ha-Galili, the parnas Munajjā b. Shelomo, and Natan b. Shemarya ha-Kohen.