מסמך משפטי: Yevr. II A 1318
מסמך משפטי Yevr. II A 1318תגים
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Calligraphic, with a decorated margin. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 6 Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a lengthy genealogy of Qaraite Nasis that probably extended all the way to Adam ha-Rishon, but the bottom of the document is torn off. (1) Pedayahu David b. (2) Pedayahu Aharon b. (3) Elieʿezer Ẓemaḥ b. (4) Pedayahu Aharon ha-Zaqen b. (5) Eliyyahu Yakhin b. (6) Sar Shalom b. (7) Yoshiyyahu Moshe b. (8) Amaẓyahu Yosef b. (9) Eliezer Ẓemaḥ b. (10) Shelomo b. (11) David the martyr b. (12) Shelomo b. (13) Yoshiyyahu Moshe b. (14) Boʿaz b. (15) ʿOvadya b. (16) Shelomo b. (17) David b. (18) Ḥisda'el b. (19) Yeḥizqiyahu b. (20) Shelomo b. (21) David the exegete b. (22) Boʿaz b. (23) Yehoshafaṭ b. (24) Yoshiyyahu b. (25) Sha'ul b. (26) ʿAnan b. (27) David b. (28) Bustanay b. (29) Ḥaninay b. (30) Kafnay, etc. etc. etc.