מכתב: Moss. VII,143.1

מכתב Moss. VII,143.1


Letter fragment from the Jewish community of Tiberias (جماعة اليهود بطبرية العامد(؟) المحروسة) to Abū Isḥāq [b. Ibrāhīm b.] Isḥāq al-Mutaṭabbib, probably identical with Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Kohen Ibn Furāt (cf. BL OR 5542.30 (PGPID 6224)). In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Dating: mid-11th century. The senders describe "our distinction over all other lands" (תמיוזנא מן סאיר אלבלאד) and refer to "al-muṣādarāt al-ḥāḍira" -- something to do with taxation or revenue? The senders presumably go on to ask for financial assistance, like most of the other letters from Tiberias in this period. See also T-S 13J33.2 (PGPID 1125), which appears to be in the same handwriting. ASE
