מכתב: Moss. IV,40.3

מכתב Moss. IV,40.3



Recto: Legal query for a qāḍī in Arabic script regarding a man "known for ḥujaj" (unpaid promissory notes?), and there are several testimonies against him, and he served a man. . . (the fragment ends here). Verso: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary spellings, especially the use of י in place of א. Sitt Ṣawāb sends a message to the addressee regarding money.

Moss. IV,40.3 1v



Yusuf Umrethwala and Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2022).


  1.    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم     
  2. ما يقول مولاي القاضي الفقيه المخلص النبيه جمال العلـ[ـما
  3. وفقه الله لما يرضيه في رجل معترف في حجج معاملـ[ـة
  4. وعليه عدة شهادات بذلك وكان يخدم رجل د[


Moss. IV,40.3 1r

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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