סוג לא ידוע: T-S J1.36
סוג לא ידוע T-S J1.36תגים
Mysterious fragment with a variety of drafted texts and writing exercises. Both in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. The dating is early modern (post-1500 CE) and there may be a specific date/year on the verso at the top of the right bifolium: "[?]___שהר גמדאדי אלאול סנת עו". It is unclear what the final digit is due to the scribal flourish, but the year can be read tentatively as __76 AH (further research is necessary to determine which century is applicable). The fragment is filled with text of various kinds, such as a formulary for opening accounts on the recto: "קאימה מבארכה אן שא אללה תעאלי" (May this list [of accts.] be blessed by God Exalted). Some of the fragment may be a draft of a letter to a dignitary. Needs further examination. MCD.