רשימה או טבלה: T-S Ar.30.237

רשימה או טבלה T-S Ar.30.237


Account ledger from the 1730s CE. 14 folios. It is mostly or entirely in Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew, and Arabic. Currencies: mainly fonducli and cinzirli. Well-preserved and extremely rich, with details of properties and rents collected and communal expenses and expenses for the scribe's father (Mordechai b. ʿAmram, named in fol. 9r) during his terminal illness. There are also some pages of compositions in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic (e.g. fols. 2 and 7), some of which may be letters (or drafts or copies). One of them mentions Khān al-Khalīl (fol. 2). Merits further examination.