רשימה או טבלה: Moss. I,6.2
רשימה או טבלה Moss. I,6.2תיאור
Account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals listing a number of goods, including chard, coriander, leek, olive oil, firewood, cheese, fresh fava beans (fūl akhḍar), a basket from the mill, and a fat chicken. On verso there is an excerpt from BT Ḥullin 3b (or a paraphrase). (Information in part from CUDL)
Edition: Gueddich, Wissem
Moss. I,6.2 1r
Wissem Gueddich, unpublished edition (n.p., 2013).Recto
سلق كزبرة كراث زيت طيب زعفران
حطب جبن فول اخضر قفة من الطاحون
دجاجة سمينة