מסמך משפטי: T-S AS 149.178

מסמך משפטי T-S AS 149.178



Halakhic work, possibly a responsum, concerning betrothal and marriage. Features the proverbial Reuben and Shimon. (Information from CUDL.) Reuven engaged or betrothed the daughter of Shimon without seeing her. "As the time of the wedding approached, Reuben demanded to see her first. At this point, the manuscript is badly damaged, but it appears that Shimon rejected Reuben's demand and argued that a man should see his bride only after he marries her." See Ashur, A. (2008). T-S AS 149.178: A Legal Query in Judaeo-Arabic concerning a Bashful Bride. [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, October 2008]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.48230.

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Amir Ashur, "T-S AS 149.178: A Legal Query in Judaeo-Arabic concerning a Bashful Bride," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2008).
  1. [...]ו
  2. [... הרב המו]בהק
  3. [... נ]ר המערבי
  4. [... יחיד] הדור אור
  5. [העולם ופל]או ממזרח שמש
  6. [ועד מבוא]ו ירום הודו ויגדל
  7. [כבו]דו אמן [נ]צח סלה
  8. [ראובן א]מלך עלי אבנה שמעון
  9. [וטלב ר]אובן אן יבצר אבנה שמע
  10. [וקאל ל]ה ראובן מא אזווג׳ אבנתך אלא
  11. [... בע]ד אבצרהא בעיני ואדכל עלי
  12. [...]יאן מחץ פקאל שמעון אדא אראד
  13. [... א]חד? יבצר בנאת אלנאס ירוח
  14. [וידכלהן] לחג׳רה יקלב בעינה [י]ורנו [ר]בנו
  15. [...] אן קול ראובן חק פי מא קאלה
  16. [...]וית[בת?]...ל[.]ל שמעון קול ...
  17. [...]וישרט? ראובן?


Keren Abbou Hershkovits and Amir Ashur, "Seeing is Owning: Veiling practices in the Middle East," Astarté. Estudios del Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo, no. 1 (n.p.: UCOPress, 2018), 15-25.

1–7. (Introductory phrases in Hebrew addressing the legal expert.) 

8. [Reuben] engaged/betrothed Shimon's daughter. 

9. Reuben [demanded] to see Shimon's daughter,

10. [and] Reuben [said to] him: 'I shall marry your daughter 

11. only after seeing her with my eyes, so that I enter (the marriage?)  with 

12. complete [confidence (?)]. And Shimon told him: ‘if 

13. [… some] one wants to see other people's daughters, he should 

14. [first bring them] into his jurisdiction [= marry them] and examine (them then) with his own eyes.’ Would our Rabbi instruct us 

15. […] if Reuben's words are true 

16. and valid (?) […or] if Shimon's words are …. 

17. and Reuben(?) shall stipulate(?)

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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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