מסמך משפטי: T-S AS 149.212
מסמך משפטי T-S AS 149.212תיאור
Recto: Legal document, probably a deed of sale for a slave. This can be deduced because a seller certifies that something is free of defects (ʿuyūb), and a note at the end of the document indicates that the word "in slavery" (באלעבודיה) has been inserted in between the lines somewhere in the missing upper portion (see T-S 18J1.16 for the likely context of this word). The parties are Efrayim ha-Levi, Abū l-Ṭ[āhir?], and [...] b. Naḥman ha-Kohen the cantor, the father of Yakhin the agent (al-wakīl). On verso there is a commentary or learned discussion of the biblical prophets and kings of Israel, mentioning Iraq, Esther and the book of Daniel, and including Hebrew citations. (Information in part from CUDL)