מכתב: T-S Ar.42.45
מכתב T-S Ar.42.45What's in the PGP
- תמונה
Fol. 2: Private letter in Arabic script, chancery-esque script. Dating: Probably late Ayyubid or Mamlūk based on paleographical grounds. Contains the glyph "لى" in place of the basmala and begins in a slightly official manner "صبح الله تعالى حضرة مولاي الولد العزيز نصر الدولة", could be an internal correspondence. Addressed to 'the dear boy Naṣr al-Dawla' and mentions most likely another state official by the name of Wafiyy al-Dawla. The sender's name appears at upper right but is difficult to read (ارقصو? appears again in l. 6 of the main text). Probably mentions something in relation to the market, "من اجود ما يامر في السوق".
T-S Ar.42.45 2r

T-S Ar.42.45 2v

T-S Ar.42.45 1r

T-S Ar.42.45 1v