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  1. 1

    LetterBodl. MS heb. e 105/54

    Probably non-Geniza. Address of a letter in the hand of Yaʿaqov Ḥayy Mondolfo of Siena to the rabbis and sages of the yeshiva ("residenza") of …

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    • 54 recto
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  2. 2

    LetterBodl. MS heb. e 105/55

    Probably non-Geniza. Letter from Yosef b. Yiṣḥaq Gallico (? גלקו), in London, to Yaʿaqov Ḥayy b. Avraham Mondolfo, in Siena. Dating: slightly after Adar 5454 …

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    • 55 recto
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  3. 3

    List or tableJRL SERIES C 88

    Accounts in Ladino with western Arabic numerals that detail a wide variety of labeled figures and calculations. Based on the paleography the dating may be …

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