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  1. 1

    Legal documentT-S NS J161

    Legal document. In which Moshe b. Yehuda ha-Ḥazzan acknowledges receipt of a number of goods from [...] b. Salmān the broker. These include 13 dinars' …

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  2. 2

    List or tableENA 3306.7–8

    Extensive accounts in Ladino with at least one full date on ENA 3306.8r in the upper left corner: ״27 תשרי [הת]קסח״ which is 27 Tishrei …

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  3. 3

    LetterT-S AS 153.14

    Mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The sender and addressee are unknown. Dating: Probably 11th century. Mentions people such as Abū Yaʿaqov the brother of Tamra(?); a …


    1.  ] פי אלמרכב

    2.  ] אסאל אללה יכתוב עליהום אלסלאמה וקד ק[בצ]ת יאכי

    3.  ] מא טאר עלי יאכי אלדי ודית דינארין ורבאעי ילזמ[נא]

    4.  ] פלפל רבאעי לאן כ…

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  4. 4

    Legal documentT-S 12.479

    Legal document. Court ruling. Dated: July 1084. Written in the hand of Hillel b. Eli. Location: Fustat. Yaḥyā b. Samuel sues Amram b. Abraham for …


    1. בחמשה בשבה [דהוה ע]שרין וחמשה יומ[י] בירח תמוז דשנת אלפא ותלת
    2. מאה ותשעין [וח]מש שנין למניי[נא דרגיליננא] ביה בפסטאט מצרים דעל נילוס
    3. נהרא מותבה…


    1. On Thursday [ the t]wenty-fifth da[y] of the month of Tammuz in the year one thousand three
    2. hundred and ninety-[fi]ve, according to the cou[nt] …

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


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