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State document, in Arabic script in a chancery hand. The beginnings of two lines are preserved: "wa-lammā uṭliqat al-[...]... wa-ʿalā kāfat al-mamālīk...." Reused for Hebrew …
No Scholarship Records
Legal document written by a Muslim notary, bottom half only. Contains three witnesses' attestations, dated 562 (?). On verso, written in various directions, there are …
Medical treatise, probably prescriptions. New sections begin with rubricated headings which are smudged and difficult to read.
Literary text, in Arabic script. Small Arabic characters, in not a very legible script, maybe a prayer. Three bold and large lines read: حرر الى …
Document in a chancery hand, wide line spacing, parts of four lines preserved from somewhere toward the middle of the page top to bottom. Generous …
Possibly a letter (on verso: يا سيدي). But shape, layout and recto-verso similiarity suggest it may be a literary text. Washed and damaged, difficult to …
Accounts in Arabic script. Substantial sums (10, 15, 25 dinars) expressed in word. Some names. ابو عبد الله (lower right) may have bought a book.
Document in Arabic script, perhaps a state petition, beginning with "wa l-mamlūk yasʾal l-tawfīq" and mentions a wall "ṣūr"; reused for poetry in Judaeo-Arabic (see …
List, with each line starting with the name of a judge or other distinguished person bearing titles ending in al-Dīn (so probably 12th century or …
1 Transcription
Accounts. Needs examination.
Accounts. Mentions fruits "apples" and "pomegranates". Needs examination.
Letter addressed to Abū l-Mufaḍḍal, in Alexandria. Fragment (left side of recto). In Arabic script, in an eloquent style. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century. …
Document in Arabic script, probably something to do with agriculture and production. Needs examination.
Fragment of a letter, in Arabic script on a crumbled paper. Mentions "بجمع الشمل بحضرة". Needs examination.
List or accounts, in Arabic script and numerals.
Medical text, in Arabic script. Begins with a basmala and new section "fī jumlat al-kalām ʿalā l-aʿḍā", mentions the four elements and the four humors. …
Two letters, or draft of letters, in Arabic script. The name of the writer in the tarjama reads as Muḥammad al-Sayfī and apart from the …
Accounts. Mentions the sum "al-jumla". Needs examination.
Literary text, in Arabic script.
Letter fragment, last five lines plus three lines added in right margin. Bottom line of main text: وكتب عبدها بو مصري (؟). Written on the …
Literary text, in Arabic script. Start of different parts indicated with red ink, "قال القيراط". Needs examination.
Accounts. Needs examination. Unidentified text in Arabic on verso.
Small fragment of a formal Arabic letter or a state document mentioning "the diwan" (wa-ʿalayhi al-dīwān al-maʿ[mūr] and wa-suʾāl al-maml[ū]k).
Letter fragment in Arabic script, maybe official. Dating: looks Mamluk-era. Approximately 5 lines are preserved from the middle of a long rotulus. Needs examination.
State document, probably, extremely fragmentary. The name of the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustanṣir is written "al-Mustanṣir Billah Amīr al-Muʾminīn."
Recto: The opening three lines of a state document or formal letter starting with a basmala and containing mainly honorifics. "al-ḥaḍra al-Sāmiyya al-Ajalliyya al-Shaykhiyya al-Najībiyya …
Recto: Bifolio, mainly containing an Arabic literary text, probably a fable, beginning with "yā qawm ismaʿū maqālatī" and continuing with the promised proverbs, followed by …
Unidentified text, in Arabic script. "واستحق الرعاة قبل فاستهـ...."
Literary text, in Arabic script. Mentions Sassanian Kings "mulūk Fāris" and Jupiter "Mushtarī".
Literary text, in Arabic script. Beginning of new chapters marked in red ink. Mentions tongue and mouth.
State document, unidentified genre. The beginnings of six lines are preserved. Dating: mentions the year 421 AH, corresponding to 1030 CE. Possibly a record of …
في جمدى الأول سنة احدى
وذكر ذلك فورد التوقيع ا
سنة احدى وعشرين اربع مائة ا
والقط (؟) الفرش (؟) الدراحـ[
في ذلك الوقت عن (؟) صه(؟) و
State document, in Arabic script. Regarding the proceedings in the Office of Inspection in the province of al-Fayyūm. Abū Fatḥ Allāh Shawār b. Yūsuf, the …
State document, in Arabic script. Mentions a wazīr. The document was pruned and stuck at the bottom. Reused for a piyyut on verso and in …
Literary text. Needs examination.
Literary text, medical, in Arabic script. Mentions stomach. Needs examination.
Literary text, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State document, probably Fatimid, fragmentary. In Arabic script. "Al-mustakhdam bi l-ṣaʿīd(?)". The name of the official could be Munjiz al-Dawla. Merits further examination.
Fragment of a letter, in Arabic script. Mentions Saturday and "Mawlāya al-Shaykh". Damaged and faded to glean any content. Needs examination. Verso - an official …
Literary text, probably astronomical, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State document, chancery hand with elegant line spacing, in Arabic script. Mentions "mamlūkuhu" and "khidmatihi". Needs examination.
A few words in Arabic script with diacritical marks on both sides. Late. Mentions "al-zanb maghfūra".
Unidentified text, in Arabic script.
Verso: Two distinct text blocks in Arabic script. (1) The names of the months of the Coptic calendar. (2) Accounts, recording credits and debits and …
2 Transcriptions
State document, fragment, one isolated line in Arabic script. "والذي ينهيه عبد مولانا امير المؤمنين". Reused on recto for Hebrew piyyuṭ, the prayer for rain …
Recto: Legal document, bottom part of the fragment, in Arabic script. The document is dated 533 AH and has the signatures of witnesses at the …
Beginning of a letter or official correspondence, in Arabic script. Only basmala and a few words preserved.
Beginning of an Ismaʿīlī esoteric majlis, in Arabic script. Needs identification. Recto - Three lines in ornate floriated Kufic script, could be the title verso …