Legal document: T-S J1.11

Legal document T-S J1.11



Legal documents. Summaries of court records kept in the court registry. (I) Set of quittances each beginning "ubriʾa min X," all relating to to a quantity of coral which the late Nissim had deposited with the late ʿAllān via a power of attorney registered with the court. The first is between Ḥananel b. Yaʿaqov known as Khiyār and Ḥananel b. Ṣadaqa; the second is for Abū l-Riḍā Shelomo b. Mevorakh; and the third is for Benaya b. [Mūsā?]. (II) Entry detailing the maintenance payments (10 dirhams per month) that Ṣadaqa b. ʿEli must pay to his divorcee Miryam the freedwoman starting in Tishrei 1412 Seleucid = September/October 1100 CE. (III) Entry enumerating what left (or what has gone missing?) from the dowry of Maliha bt. Yeḥezqel ha-Kohen with her husband Yosef b. Yaʿaqov. The couple's original trousseau list is found in T-S 10J7.13 (PGPID 3050) from ca. 1090 CE. (Information Goitein's index card and Moshe Yagur [via FGP] . Additions by AA/ASE.)

T-S J1.11 1r



Rachel Richman, Digital Editions (n.p., 2024).


  1. אלדי עדמת מן כתבתהא
  2. בקיה אלמקדם ה חדידה ענ[בר] ג
  3. מכחלה ומיל וכאתם ומדאף א ונצף
  4. מערקה כחל [א?] מנדילין א מלאה ג
  5. מרתבה דביק ומכאדהא ז מרתבה ..בר[..]
  6. ומנארה [.]
  7. לחאף ומצב ג במלחפה ושכאדתין [.....]
  8. ואלמוכר ל


T-S J1.11 1v

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  • T-S J1.11: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact