List or table: ENA 4011.35
List or table ENA 4011.35Tags
Money order of the Qodesh. Ca. 1162-63. The judge Shemuel b. Saadya ha-Levi wrote and signed an order to pay 9.5 dirhams to the children of a certain Hiba, the brother of Abu Ishaq al-Mukari, said to be thier share in the revenue of the "Estate of the Jerusalemites." (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 308 #70)
Edition: Gil, Moshe
Translation: Gil, Moshe (in English)
ENA 4011.35 1
Moshe Gil, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).ENA 4011, f. 35v ed. Gil, Documents, pp. 308 Doc. #70 Money order of the Qodesh. Ca. 1162-63 SH [1-29-87] (P)
- ידפעו גבאה רבע אלמקאדסה לאולא[ד]
- הבה אכו אבו אבוסחק אלמכארי תסעה דראהם
- ונצף ען נציבהם פי רבע אלמקאדסה
- שנת אתעד ושלום
- שמואל בר סעדיה הלוי בע
Moshe Gil, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).Verso
The collectors of the Estate of the Jerusalemites shall pay to the children
of Hiba, the brother of Abū (I)sḥaq al-Mukārī, 9 1/2 dir.
from their share in the Estate of the Jerusalemites
for the year 1474. Greetings.
Samuel b. R. Saadya ha-Levi, of blessed memory.