Scholarship on Credit instrument or private receipt: T-S AS 146.18

Credit instrument or private receipt T-S AS 146.18
  1. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, A Mediterranean society; the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967-1993, 1967), vol. 3.
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation
  2. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • Discussion
  3. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition

T-S AS 146.18 1r

S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
  1. ידפע גבאת רבע אלמקאדסה לאם אברהם
  2. אלמערופה באם אלעגיל תסעה דראהם ונצף
  3. מן נציבהא פי רבע אלמקאדסה שנת אתעז
  4. ושלום שמואל בר סעדיה הלוי נע
S. D. Goitein, A Mediterranean society; the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967-1993, 1967), vol. 3.
  1. The administrators of the Compound of the Jerusalemites are advised to pay to the ‘Mother of Avraham,’
  2. better known under the name ‘the Mother of the Little Calf’ 9 ½ dirhams,
  3. her share in the revenue from the Compound of the Jerusalemites for the year 1477 [of the Seleucid Era, A.D. 1165/6].
  4. And Peace. Shemuel b. Saadya haLevi (may he rest in Eden)

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  • T-S AS 146.18: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact