Legal document: T-S J1.11 + T-S 6Ja3
Legal document T-S J1.11 + T-S 6Ja3What's in the PGP
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Court notebook with four distinct records. (I) See PGPID 40206 (II) "the release: Ḥalfon b. Avraham for Netanʾel b. [Ḥalfon ha-Levi?]; 24 dinars and 5 qirats." Also mentions Ḥalfon's brother Elʿazar b. Avraham Involves a payment in installments over a period of 13 months starting in Elul 1411 Seleucid. Sums mentioned: 9 1/4 dinars [...], 15 dinars minus one qirāṭ. (III) See PGPID 40208 (IV) See PGPID 8408 (Information in part from Goitein's index card with additions by MY/AA/ASE). Join: Alan Elbaum.