List or table: T-S K24.15 + T-S K24.36

List or table T-S K24.15 + T-S K24.36



Accounts in Spanish. 5 folios. Dating: the year 1426 CE is mentioned. Likely related to the payment of taxes, because it uses the official account system (cuenta castellana) and lists amounts in different kind of cereals (the usual payment in both civil and ecclesiastic taxes). Deals with cargas (loads) of trigo (wheat), cebada (barley) and centeno (rye). Domingo may be a seller or buyer. The word rrey (king) appears at least a couple times. Partial transcription: "son cunplidos los dichos xlviii mil dcxxvii s que valieron / [---] este dicho año en la cuenta que d su [---] / almox del algund el dicho año de 1426 años / 1 quento de trigo a vi ls ii fs et 1 quento de çevada / [---] testimonio signado de Ao Gs escribano publico del dicho." Information kindly provided by José Manuel Fradejas and Jose M. Escribano.