Legal document: JRL Series L 155
Legal document JRL Series L 155What's in the PGP
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Late marriage-related legal document issued in Cairo, probably an engagement or betrothal agreement given the clause in lines 5-6 is: "שזמן החופה יהיה מעכשו עד סופ שנה תמימה". Dated 5604 AM (1843/1844 CE). The location "in the home of the bride" appears in the lower right corner of the recto. Sums of 15,000 gurush and 40,000 gurush are mentioned in the opening lines. The difficult witness signature that's visible is that of R. Yosef b. Moshe al-Gazi (הצעיר יוסף משה אלגאזי). For additional confirmation of the nomenclature in this rabbinic signature, see the same name in the document: AIU VII.D.100 (PGPID 30594). MCD.
JRL Series L 155 1 / 1 leaf, recto

JRL Series L 155 1 / 1 leaf, verso