Scholarship on State document: T-S Ar.35.368

State document T-S Ar.35.368
  1. Bibliographic citation
    Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
  2. Bibliographic citation
    Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished translations (n.p., 2023).
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation

T-S Ar.35.368 recto

Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).


  1. يقبل الارض وينهي ان المملوك رجل صعلوك
  2. وله عائلة وما هو عادة يرميه ولوجه الله تعالى
  3. النظر في حاله لوجه الله تعالى
  4. المملوك
  5. ابراهيم ابن محسن(؟)
  6. ويوسف العربي
Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished translations (n.p., 2023).
  1. Kisses the ground and reports that the slave is a pauper
  2. and he has a family, and this [his state of poverty] is not usual, for the sake of God the Almighty
  3. look into his affair, for the sake of God the Almighty
  4. The slave
  5. Ibrāhīm b. Muḥsin (?)
  6. And Yūsuf, the Arab