Legal document: Bodl. MS heb. e 32/51

Legal document Bodl. MS heb. e 32/51



Deed of sale. Location: Ḥamida/Ḥamuda, Yemen. Dated: 24 Av במ״ד, which is likely 2044 Seleucid = 5 August 1733 CE. The parties include [..] and Saʿīd and Avraham the sons of Yūsuf. Currency: gurush. Signed: Menaḥem b. Ḥayyim; Saʿadya b. Avraham. There is a note on verso with more names.

Bodl. MS heb. e 32/51 51 recto

51 recto



Bodl. MS heb. e 32/51 51 verso

51 verso
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