Scholarship on Letter: T-S 12.175

Letter T-S 12.175
  1. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    for discussion see
  2. Bibliographic citation
    Moshe Gil, In the Kingdom of Ishmael‎ (in Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1997), vol. 2.
    for digital edition, edition see
    • #150, pp.439-443
  3. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, "Three Letters from Qayrawan addressed to Joseph ben Ja'acow ben 'Awkal‎" (in Hebrew), Tarbiz / תרביץ‎ 34, no. 2 (Jerusalem, Israel: Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies / המכון למדעי היהדות ע"ש מנדל, 1965), 162-182.
    for edition see
    • pp. 170-172