Legal document: ENA NS 16.36

Legal document ENA NS 16.36



Legal document and a marriage document. Damaged fragment containing 3 different legal deeds in 3 different hands, most likely refers to the same parties. On recto what looks like a part from a bill of gift or a will, in Hebrew and Aramaic. Two names mentioned: מובחר and Ya'aqov. On verso two legal documents. On the right side from a legal document of unknown nature, probably between husband and wife. Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic. On the left side a damaged fragment from a ketubah de'irkasa כתובה דארכסא, that is a ketubah written as a replacement for a lost ketubah. Aramaic. AA

ENA NS 16.36 recto




ENA NS 16.36 verso

Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA NS 16.36: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain