Legal document: ENA NS 17.31

Legal document ENA NS 17.31



Court notebook containing several documents. (i) Marriage contract (ketubba), segment discussing the groom's promises to the bride regarding her exemption from oaths. (ii) Record of an adoption in which a man "sells" his newborn daughter, 16 days old, whose mother had just died after childbirth, to a prominent lady for five dinars and promises that he will not interfere with the girl's upbringing. (iii) Legal document dealing with a business partnership between Yefet b. Wadʿa and Abū Zikrī, and also with a man who was married and divorced before consummation in Tyre and remarried in al-Mahalla.

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Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA NS 17.31: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain