List or table: ENA 1822a.41

List or table ENA 1822a.41

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  • 1 Transcription
  • 1 Translation


Account. Revenue of the qodesh from rent, ca. 1230. A small strip of paper, of which the upper part is missing, written on both sides. The part which is preserved lists 13 tenants. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 443 #133)



ENA 1822a.41 1

Moshe Gil, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).


  1. אלדאר אלמגאורה לה
  2. סכן אלמבייץ טבקה ד
  3. [טב]קה סכן עתמאן פואל
  4.                              ד
  5. דרב סלסלה
  6. רמצאן אלקזאז קאעה וטבקה
  7.                              יג
  8. דאוד אל[           ] טבקה ה דר>
  9. טבקה סכן ברכאת ד דר>
  10. טבקה סכן ר צדקה ה דר>
Moshe Gil, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).


  1. The compound that is adjacent to it
  2. The apartment of al-Mubayyiḍ, the ṭabaqa, 4.
  3. The ṭabaqa (which is) the apartment of ʿUthmān Fawwāl,
  4. 4.
  5. Darb Silsila:
  6. Ramaḍān al-Qazzāz, the qāʿa and the ṭabaqa,
  7. 13.
  8. Daʾūd al-...., the ṭabaqa, 5 dir.
  9. The ṭabaqa (which is) the apartment of Barakāt, 4 dir.
  10. The ṭabaqa (which is) the apartment of R. Ṣedāqā, 5 dir.

ENA 1822a.41 2



  1. דאר מ[
  2. פי כוכה בן ע[
  3. דאר גואר אלרשיד שמואל
  4. רבעהא ללצעף ד וג
  5. דאר תאבת פי מ[ה]רה
  6. אלקאעה סכן רגלא חאיך
  7. טבקה סכן עביד והי אלעלו
  8. ללקאעה אלמדכורה ג
  9. אלגזירה דאר
  10. סכן מחאסן אלנשאוי
  11.                      ה
  12. אלטבקה אלדי עליהא כרבה
  13.                            ב


  1. The  compound ….
  2. in the khawkha b. ….
  3. The compound that is adjacent to aI-Rashīd Samuel,
  4. a quarter of which belongs to the poor, 4+3.
  5. Dār Thābit, in Mahra,
  6. the qāʿa (which is) the apartment of two men, weavers ….
  7. the ṭabaqa (which is) the apartment of ʿUbayd, that is above
  8. the aforesaid qāʿa, 3.
  9. AI-Jazīra, the compound:
  10. The apartment of Maḥāsin al-Nashāwī,
  11. 5.
  12. The ṭabaqa on which there is a ruin,
  13. 2. 

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  • ENA 1822a.41: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL)