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Fiscal or commercial account. Ayyubid or Mamluk-era?
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Arabic script (VMR)
Recto: piyyuṭ. Verso: unidentified text in Arabic, probably part of a letter. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: piyyuṭ. Verso: part of a letter in Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
Unidentified text in Arabic, probably a letter or state document. On verso there is piyyut. (Information from CUDL)
Part of a letter in Arabic script. (Information from CUDL) Reused on recto for piyyuṭ in Hebrew in the hand of a familiar scribe (see …
Recto: part of a letter in Arabic. Verso: unidentified text in Hebrew characters. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Arabic jottings. Verso: typical formulae from the beginning of a letter (probably a draft) and Arabic jottings. (Information from CUDL)
Fiscal account, probably Fatimid. Dates include 507H and 510H.
List of mostly Coptic alphanumeral figures and some text in Arabic (VMR)
Legal document dealing with property sale, mentioning the name Saqina ibn Yuḥannis. Buljusuq (Fayyum), Rabīʻ al-Awwal 407 [Aug.-Sept. 1016]. Parchment ; 22 lines ; 360 …
Legal document (iqrār) concerning receiving payments for crops. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "contrat du prince Saragah Mache (mamelouk) avec les cultivateurs"]. Loss …
Legal document (iqrār) mentioning ʻAlāʾ al-Dīn ibn Ḥasan, dated 15 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 800 H. [1398]. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "The prince Shahab …
Legal document (iqrār) concerning payment made by a certain Fāṭimah. [Described on the paper wrapper as : [a] "Fatima Togan" [c] "receipt of money from …
Legal document (wakkāla) concerning payment to Fāṭimah. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "Procuration officielle de Fatma a Sefi Togan ibn Abdalla el Allani" …
Settlement of account concerning Fāṭimah, wife of Ṭūghān. [On the paper wrapper: "Tugan" ; on a separate small piece of paper : " Important" ; …
Legal document (iqrār). Receipt of payment in new monies in copper paid to Sayf al-Dīn Ṭūghān by his wife Fāṭimah, dated 29 Ramaḍān 815 [1413]. …
Legal document: testimony in the name of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad. Four signatures, one in Kufic script (!). Item 10 in DPUL; unclear what current folio …
Legal deed (fragment) [12th century?], calligraphic, with wide line-spacing. Approximately 250 x 450 mm at the widest points. Gift of Robert Garrett, 2953. Many other …
Certificate of manumission of a slave, dated 591H. (?) [1194-5]. [Described on a separate small piece of paper as: "letter from a noble man asking …
Described in PUDL catalogue as amulet containing prayers to God and the Prophet.
Bill of sale for property. Dated: Jumādā al-Ūlā 394 [Feb.-March 1004]. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 250 x 300 mm. Upper edges mutilated and several …
Legal document: Bill of sale for property to Yuḥannis ibn Saqina. Buljusuq (Fayyum), late 4th/10th c. Parchment ; 23 lines + 1 line in right …
Bill of sale for property to Yuḥannis ibn Saqina and his wife. Buljusuq (Fayyum), Rajab 369 [Jan.-Feb. 980]. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 170 x …
Legal document: Bill of sale for property. Dated: 396 (?). Parchment ; 19 lines ; 65 x 185 mm. and 215 x 230 mm.. Some …
Love poetry (3 lines), starting with: "amūtu wa-lā tadrī". [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Poeme d'un amoureux" ; on a separate small piece of …
Item 26 : Letter of praise addressed to a benefactor in the hopes of some financial reward. Oversize.
Item 29 : Official document demanding the collection of funds. Oversize.
Amulet with magical script and numbers. [Described on the paper wrapper as : "Hegab en Madhrebin" ; on a separate small piece of paper: "a …
Cotton bag for amulet, with inscriptions in Arabic.
Legal document concerning the marital status of the daughter of Sayf al-Dīn, dated 15 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 808 H. [1406]. [Described on the paper wrapper as …
Described in PUDL as a letter from a slave to his master regarding administrative matters.[Described on the paper wrapper as: "lettre d'un esclave à son …
Legal document. Iqrār (deed of acknowledgment), written in Cairo, dated 811 H. (?) [1408].
Iqrār dated 7 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 902 H. (?) [1497]. [Described in the dealer's description as dated 702 H. [1302]].
Two official documents, the first (22a) dated Tripoli, 15 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 884 H. [1480], the second (22b) dated 9 (?) Ramaḍān 907 H. [1502].
Iqrār (deed of acknowledgment) on verso. Poem on recto.
One leaf of a manuscript containing Arabic poetry in jīm. [Described on the paper wrapper as: "Poesie" ; on a separate small piece of paper: …
Petition (formula: al-mamlūk yuqabbil al-yad al-ʿāliya), 1106H (?)