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عوامل التصفية

3 نتائج

  1. 1

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S NS 300.14

    Introduction to a literary treatise. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning al-Mutanabbī, the Būyid amīr Muʿizz al-Dawla, and the vizier Abū l-Faraj Muḥammad b. al-ʿAbbās (Ibn Fasānjas).

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    نصوص أدبيّةENA NS 7.76

    Fragments of citations from al-Mutanabbī in Judeo-Arabic. (Information from Cecilia Palombo)

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  3. 3

    نصوص أدبيّةBL Or. 5557K.5

    Approximately 13 verses of poetry from the poem of the renowned Arabic poet al-Mutanabbī (d. 354/955) "حاشا الرقيب فخانته ضمائره * وغيض الدمع فأنهلت بوادره".

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