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319 نتائج

  1. 251

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr.-Arab. II 1587

    Karaite bill of debt paid to a woman.

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  2. 252

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr.-Arab. II 1752

    Qaraite partnership agreement in cheese producing. Dated: Friday, 12 Tishrei 5350 AM (1901 Seleucid) = 22 September 1589 CE. There are five parties: (1) ʿAbd …

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  3. 253

    رسالةENA 3616.9

    Recto: Letter from the Qaraite Mahbub b. Nissim, Ramla, to Abu al-Faraj in Fustat, middle of the 11th century (12 Iyar). Mahbub has traveled from …

    1. אחייך אללה יאסידי ו[מולאי] וגלילי כתאבי אליך מן אלרמלה יב כ[לון מן]
    2. שהר אייר ומא ען חאל סלאמה ועאפיה ומא נקדר נצף לך מא [כאן שגלי]
    3. מן אן פרקתך ודל...

    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة


    • 2
    • 1
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  4. 254

    ثيقة شرعيّةAIU VII.D.1

    Recto: Qaraite betrothal (erusin) document. Location: Fusṭāṭ. Dated: Thursday, 11 Kislev 1360 = 20 November 1048 CE. Groom: Maḥfūẓ b. Menaḥem. Bride: Fāḍila bt. Avraham …

    1 نسخ


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  5. 255

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr.-Arab. II 1383

    A Karaite betrothal deed. The groom Yosef Bekher known as Gedalya b. Aharon. The bride Huna d. Aharon b. Razon the physician. Her agent id …

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  6. 256

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1253

    Karaite betrothal deed between Avraham b. Yosef b. Ya'aqov and Esther known as Ohalo d. Yish'aya b. Nahum. Dated 17th Adar I, 5512 Era of …

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  7. 257

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1265

    Karaite betrothal deed from Cairo. Dated Tuesday, 11th Tamuz 5525 Era of creation (1765), The groom is Yosef b. Gedalyah b. Aharon and the bride …

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  8. 258

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1254

    An agreement between a betrothed couple. Yosef b. David known Fairouz b. Zemah is taking upon himself to write a conditional bill of divorce to …

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  9. 259

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1267

    An agreement to write a conditional bill of divorce to his future wife if he will fail to return home in a set date. The …

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  10. 260

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr.-Arab. II 1630

    Karaite marriage agreement between Hananya b. Ya'aqov Halevi and Esther known as 'Aziza d. Eliyyahu b. Sa'adya.

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  11. 261

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 41

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Shmuel b. Israel. The bride is Esther known as Rachel d. Barukh Halevi b. Shlomo.

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  12. 262

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 43

    Karaite Ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Nahum Halevi b. Aharon. The deflowered bride is Esther Dona d. Elya Halevi.

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  13. 263

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 45

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Yosef Halevi. The bride Esther known as Sukar d. Barukh Halevi b. Shlomo Halevi.

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  14. 264

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 47

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom name is Ya'aqov Helevi and the bride is Esther. Faded and damged.

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  15. 265

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 49

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom name is not preserevd and the bride is Esther.

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  16. 266

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 33

    A Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom os Shmuel b. Avraham . Tne name of the bride is not preserved but she is described as …

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  17. 267

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 38

    Karaite decorated ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Avraham b. Eliyyahu b. Yosef. The bride is Esther known as Marhaba d. Nahum Hakohen b. Aharon

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  18. 268

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 40

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Sa'adya b. David b. Reuven. The deflowered bride is Esther Mas'uda d. El'azar Hakohen b. Aharon.

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  19. 269

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 5

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom name is Yehuda b. Yosef the physician b. Aharon the physician and the bride is Esther d. Aharon. Damaged.

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  20. 270

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 60

    Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Elisha b. Yosef. The bride is Esther known as 'Aziza d. Eliyyahu the cantor.

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  21. 271

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 56

    Decorated Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groomm [...] Halevi b. Avaraham Halevi Yerushalmi. The groom is Esther known as Mas'uda d. Yosef Halevi.

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  22. 272

    نوع غير معروفYevr. II K 62

    Decorated Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Shlomo b. Eliyyahu the cantor. The bride is Esther known as 'Aziza d. Eliyyahu.

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  23. 273

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 65

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Shlomo b. Avraham. The deflowered bride is Esther known as Hana d. Eliyahu

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  24. 274

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 7

    Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Eliyahu Halevi b. Avraham. The deflowered bride is Esther known as Rachel d. Eliyahu.

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  25. 275

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 71

    Decorated, torn Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Yeshu'a b. Yosef and the bride is Esther known as Karima d. Shlomo

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  26. 276

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 73

    The image doesn't fit with the description. Karaite ketuba from Cairo.

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  27. 277

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 75

    Decorated Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Shlomo b. Eliyahu and the bride is Esther known as Rachel d. Ya'aqov Halevi.

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  28. 278

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1275

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, unless his wife will become childless- than he can …

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  29. 279

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 58

    Decorated, torn, Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom's name is Nissim b. Yosef. The deflowered bride: Esther known as Rina.

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  30. 280

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1271

    Elaborate Karaite ketubba, dated both according to the creation and to the 'counting of the Greeks'. The groom Yosef b. Mordechai b. Shalom is taking …

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  31. 281

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1273

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can …

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  32. 282

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1274

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years, unless his wife will become childless and not to …

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  33. 283

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1276

    Karaite betrothal deed, contains the common stipulations found in this period: The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years …

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  34. 284

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1277

    Karaite betrothal deed, contains the common stipulations found in this period: The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years …

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  35. 285

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1280

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years unless his wife will be childless after 10 …

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  36. 286

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1281

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can …

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  37. 287

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1285

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years, but if his wife will become childless he can …

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  38. 288

    نصّ غير أدبيّYevr. II B 1534

    Colophon of a Bible donated by a Karaite woman in the name of her dead son.

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  39. 289

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1306

    Incomplete Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he …

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  40. 290

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1296

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can …

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  41. 291

    نوع غير معروفYevr. II A 1301

    Incomplete Karaite pre nuptial agreement. The marriage will take place one and half year after this agreement is signed. The groom taking upon himself not …

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  42. 292

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1305

    Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can …

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  43. 293

    رسالةYevr. II A 1565

    A letter to the Karaites in Crimea. Contains a legal query and responsum regarding a marriage of two brothers- one married Simha's sister and the …

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  44. 294

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 31

    Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Avraham Hakohen b. Moshe and the bride is Esther d. Eliyyahu Halevi. AA

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  45. 295

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II A 1249

    Court record. Location: Istanbul (קושטנדינה). Dated: Nisan 5401 AM, which is March/April 1641 CE. David b. Avraham Levi and his brother Yosef b. Avraham Levi …

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  46. 296

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 66

    Decorated Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Hayyim b. Avraham. The bride is Esther d. Ya'aqov Halevi.

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  47. 297

    ثيقة شرعيّةBodl. MS heb. a 3/44

    Betrothal (erusin) contract, Karaite. Fragment (upper right corner). Groom: Yehuda b. Khalaf(?). Bride: Miriam bt. Shelomo, a widow. Miriam has a paqid (representative), Faraj b. …

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة


    • 44 recto
    • 44 verso
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  48. 298

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 54

    Bottom part of Karaite ketubba, only partialy preserved. The groom is Yeshu'a and the bride Esther.

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  49. 299

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 55

    Decorated Karaite ketubah from Cairo. Dated 6 Tishrei 5561 AM (September 1800 CE). The groom: Elya Hakohen b. Eliyyahu. The bride is Esther known as …

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  50. 300

    ثيقة شرعيّةYevr. II K 52

    Decorated Karaite ketubba from Cairo. Dated: 18 Shevat 5557 AM (February 1797 CE). The groom is Nissim b. Avraham and the bride is Esther d. …

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