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عوامل التصفية

4 نتائج

  1. 1

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 8J8.21

    Legal document, fragmentary, c. 16th-17th century, from Egypt, concerning a property (אלקצר, ‘hall, ground-floor building’) in the quarter סוליימאן כ[א.]שה. The principal parties are Moshe …

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  2. 2

    رسالةT-S 12.323

    Letter from Fustat to the communal leaders of Damietta, Yiṣḥaq Beirav and Ṣedaqa ha-Kohen. First half of the 16th century. Mentions Avraham b. Shānjī and …


    1. זרע הקדש השומרים משמרת ה[קדש] [...]
    2. זאת להם תורה וחוקה ויד חזקה בק[..] האמת [......] [נ]דיבי[ם][?] 
    3. ונדבות יועצים להציל לחוצים מי[ד] מוחצים ...

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  3. 3

    رسالةAIU VII.E.142

    Late letter in Hebrew from Natan Hefez to Aharon Beirav. Further information available on FGP in Avraham David's transcription and notes.

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  4. 4

    ثيقة شرعيّةAIU VII.D.9

    Bifolium from a late Hebrew register of monetary transactions. Every time the date appears it contains a tricky ligature, Kislev 5496 AM = 1735 CE. …

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