رسالة: T-S 8J13.6

رسالة T-S 8J13.6



Letter from a certain Maḥāsin, in ʿAydhāb, to his "brother" the cantor Abū Isḥāq b. al-Mumḥe, in Fustat. Sent to the shop of Abū l-Munajjā the druggist to be forwarded to the addressee. In Judaeo-Arabic. Begins: "What happened to me would take too long to explain. You will hear it from Abū ʿAlī b. Faḍāʾīl al-Ṣāʾigh (the goldsmith). . . . I am still sitting here in ʿAydhāb, sad and weeping over. . . ." (Information in part from CUDL and Goitein's attached notes.) Dating: probably ca. early 13th century, since the shop of Abū l-Munajjā al-ʿAṭṭār is also the address for T-S Misc.25.22 (PGPID 8357).

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