نصوص أدبيّة: AIU IV.C.486
نصوص أدبيّة AIU IV.C.486What's in the PGP
- 2 Transcriptions
One of two copies of a poem by Avraham ben Yiju, praising Maḍmūn and cursing his enemies. Aden. T-S 8J16.23 (PGPID 5403) is written in the hand of Ben Yiju himself, while this fragment is written in the calligraphic, square hand of a scribe. The poet signs his name in an acrostic: ABRHM ḤZQ YJW. The poem is about how Maḍmūn's enemies requited his kindness with treachery. But these enemies were ultimately compelled to acknowledge Maḍmūn's titles Sar and Nagid. Dating: ca. 1140–44 CE. (Information from Goitein and Friedman, India Book II.)
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