رسالة: T-S Misc.20.150

رسالة T-S Misc.20.150


Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with a remnant of the address (mentioning Fustat) and other notations in Arabic script on verso ("the messenger shall be paid 3 dirhams" and something involving Thursday the 27th of the month, Būṣīr, a receipt, and al-Jīza).The substance of the letter concerns 'the reckoning of the receipt(s) of Fustat' and giving instructions to the addressee for what documentation to send. Also requests 5 or 6 good sheep (khirāf baladiyya ṭayyiba); mentions Abū l-Faraj the brother of al-Peʾer; the brother of Abū Saʿd; a request to pay 2 dinars to Ibn Burayk(?) al-Ḥayawānī for a chicken or chickens of a certain kind (muʿarraq wa-musamman?); half is to be brought to 'Dār al-Madīna' together with the sheep. In the margin mentions the receipt again; Abū l-Faraj Yeshuʿa; and Manṣūr.