وثيقة رسميّة: T-S H15.124
وثيقة رسميّة T-S H15.124الوصف
State report. Large and well preserved. Dated: 5 Muḥarram 592(?) AH = 10 December 1195 CE, if read correctly. Refers to a someone with the titles Khalīl Amīr al-Muʾminīn and ʿIzz al-Dīn (both typical of viziers, though the latter might be this person's specific laqab). The sender informs the addressee that he has received 6,355.5 dirhams from the latter's brother (ṣinw). He then describes how the funds are being distributed, including distributions for the pilgrims or those who have completed the Ḥajj (al-ḥājjūn) from among the scholars (al-fuqahāʾ) and the poor (al-fuqarāʾ), and how all the recipients thank and praise the addressee day and night. The sender conveys greetings and prayers from various other people. Merits further examination. Reused on verso for a long list of titles of piyyuṭim. ASE