وثيقة رسميّة: Moss. V,135.1 + Moss. V,109b
وثيقة رسميّة Moss. V,135.1 + Moss. V,109bWhat's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
State document, in Arabic script. Eleven fragmentary lines, probably addressed to a higher official from a lower official. The official bears the title Ḥamīd al-Dawla. The sender mentions that he is completely distasteful for the districts under his control (aʿmāl) and [….] is not in his hands "كاره بالاعمال كاملة فما في يدي". An alternative reading could be, “تجارة بالاعمال كاملة فما في يدي” - “trade in the districts and [.....] is not in my hands”, relating to state officials and trade. Needs examination.
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Umrethwala, Yusuf
Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2022).
- رحمته.....حميد الدولة حرسه الله
- لغرض.......
- ايده الله
- ورسالة سيدنا الـ[
- ستار (؟) النزلة (؟) ادام الله علاه في ذلك
- كاره بالاعمال كاملة فما في يدي
- من يوم خروجي ]......
- ولا
- ............................البعد له
- يذكر ان .....عنده.....
- وصول.......في هذه