وثيقة رسميّة: T-S AS 149.218 + T-S AS 155.132 + T-S NS 34.210 + JRL SERIES B 3665 + T-S NS 313.23

وثيقة رسميّة T-S AS 149.218 + T-S AS 155.132 + T-S NS 34.210 + JRL SERIES B 3665 + T-S NS 313.23

What's in the PGP

  • صورة


Official correspondence in Arabic script with wide line-spacing. Some phrases from T-S NS 313.23: صحيح . . . وبلوغها مرادها . . . فيها بعض ما يستحقه . . . الكامل . . . Some phrases from T-S AS 149.218: من اهتمامها بذلك لا عد[متها . . . لاسارع الى قضاها . . . Some phrases from T-S NS 34.210: من كل ملتمس Reused on both sides for a Kufan grammatical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic, which is the same reuse and by the same scribe as T-S Ar.31.254 + T-S 24.31 (PGPID 35230), which, together with T-S AS 155.132, is discussed in Vidro, FOTM April 2012 and Vidro and Kasher, JSAI 2014. In terms of the ordering of these fragments, JRL SERIES B 3665r comes directly before T-S AS 149.218v (a line or two of Judaeo-Arabic text may be missing), and T-S NS 34.210r + T-S NS 313.23r come directly before T-S AS 155.132v and are later in the text than T-S AS 149.218v. (Information kindly provided by Nadia Vidro.) Joins: Nadia Vidro and Alan Elbaum

النصوص المفرّغة

T-S AS 149.218 1r


T-S AS 149.218 1v


T-S AS 155.132 1r


T-S AS 155.132 1v


JRL SERIES B 3665 1 / 1 leaf, recto

1 / 1 leaf, recto

JRL SERIES B 3665 1 / 1 leaf, verso

1 / 1 leaf, verso
بيان أذونات الصورة
  • JRL SERIES B 3665: Image rights: The University of Manchester Library. Access rights: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • T-S AS 149.218: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S AS 155.132: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.