وثيقة رسميّة: T-S AS 149.218 + T-S AS 155.132 + T-S NS 34.210 + JRL SERIES B 3665 + T-S NS 313.23
وثيقة رسميّة T-S AS 149.218 + T-S AS 155.132 + T-S NS 34.210 + JRL SERIES B 3665 + T-S NS 313.23What's in the PGP
- صورة
Official correspondence in Arabic script with wide line-spacing. Some phrases from T-S NS 313.23: صحيح . . . وبلوغها مرادها . . . فيها بعض ما يستحقه . . . الكامل . . . Some phrases from T-S AS 149.218: من اهتمامها بذلك لا عد[متها . . . لاسارع الى قضاها . . . Some phrases from T-S NS 34.210: من كل ملتمس Reused on both sides for a Kufan grammatical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic, which is the same reuse and by the same scribe as T-S Ar.31.254 + T-S 24.31 (PGPID 35230), which, together with T-S AS 155.132, is discussed in Vidro, FOTM April 2012 and Vidro and Kasher, JSAI 2014. In terms of the ordering of these fragments, JRL SERIES B 3665r comes directly before T-S AS 149.218v (a line or two of Judaeo-Arabic text may be missing), and T-S NS 34.210r + T-S NS 313.23r come directly before T-S AS 155.132v and are later in the text than T-S AS 149.218v. (Information kindly provided by Nadia Vidro.) Joins: Nadia Vidro and Alan Elbaum