رسالة: T-S NS 225.5

رسالة T-S NS 225.5


Fragment of a letter/petition addressed to "Rabbenu ha-Rav ha-Gadol." In Judaeo-Arabic. Concerning "the disaster which occurred on the day of [...]," when Abū Yaʿqūb known as Ibn al-Iskāf (the cobbler), Mubārak b. [...] Ibn Q[...], and Isḥāq b. Manṣūr known as Ibn al-Iskandarī camכe and acted impudently against the congregation (אתקחו עלי אלקהל). Refers to how the congregation prayed for somebody (probably a powerful person who helped them); Ibn Durra (or Dhurra?); complaining to a dignitary (וכרגו אליה ושכו חאלהם אליה); and the auspicious role of the Nagid and someone else (בסעאדת הדרת הנגידות . . . לעולם ובסעאדת . . . ). AA/ASE. T-S NS 225.5 (PGPID 24185) and T-S 20.170 (PGPID 5291) may be related.