رسالة: T-S K6.127

رسالة T-S K6.127

What's in the PGP

  • صورة


Letter from Munajjā Muqaddasī, who has left Egypt (or Fustat), to a certain al-Shaykh al-Mukarram/Mukrim. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Perhaps 13th or 14th century, but this is a guess. Much of it is formulaic, conveying profuse expressions of his longing for the addressee and a promise to spare no effort in fulfilling any of the addressee’s requests. The sender left Fustat without having any errands to fulfill on behalf of the addressee, so he asks to be honored with one. He is preoccupied on account of the female slave (? al-waṣīfa) and perhaps how much money she sold for. Regards to the addressee’s brother and to Hibat Allāh (Information in part from CUDL.)


النصوص المفرّغة

T-S K6.127 1r


T-S K6.127 1v

بيان أذونات الصورة
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