قائمة/جدول: T-S J1.41 + T-S NS 321.7m

قائمة/جدول T-S J1.41 + T-S NS 321.7m



Two bifolios from a ledger of accounts concerning ships departing from Egypt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Appears closely related to ENA 3730.2 (PGPID 39645) dating to 1534/35 CE and ENA 2898.3 + ENA 2898.4 (PGPID 12533) dating to 1540 CE, but there are discrepancies of handwriting and spelling. These fragments may all be from the same ledger but in the hand of two different scribes. Each page specifies a ship and its name or owner, its captain, its destination (4 for Istanbul, 1 for Antalya, 1 for somewhere in the Levant, and at least 1 undeciphered), the date of departure, the names of people associated with the ship, and commodities and their values. Commodities include pepper, sugar, indigo, and it seems slaves (עביד). Joins: Alan Elbaum and Matthew Dudley. T-S J1.41: Recto, left page: Headed, "The ship of Kara Muṣṭafā (קרא מוצטפא) leaving for Istanbul on 24 Rabīʿ [I]. The entries underneath mention: Ḥājj Luṭfī; sugar; slaves (? ʿabīd); Muḥammad; the securities (? amānāt) of the captain; Muṣṭafā; Qāsim al-[...]. Verso, right page: Headed, "The ship of [...] Çavuşoğlu (שאוש אוגלי) leaving for [...]q on 25 Rabīʿ I." The entries underneath mention: sugar; [...] b. Muṣṭafā; ʿAllān b. ʿAlī; Ḥasan b. [...]; Ḥasan b. Maḥmūd; the securities (?amānāt of Ḥājj Yūnus); Yūsuf b. [...]; Ḥusayn b. ʿIzz al-Dīn; the securities of Ḥājj Ḥusayn; somebody called sanjaqdār (standard bearer); and David Sheʾaltiʾel. Verso, left page: The heading is unclear (תעא . . . ). Entries include: Muḥammad b. Ḥusayn; Yūnus Raʾīs; Waliyy b. ʿAbdallāh; Piri(?) b. ʿAbdallāh; and several sailors (sg. baḥrī, pl. baḥriyya), some of whom are named. Recto, right page: Headed, "The ship of [...] raʾīs, leaving for Istanbul on 26 Rabīʿ I." Entries include: Ḥamza ʿUṣfūr; [...] Muḥammad; indigo, slaves(?), pepper; Aḥmad b. Sayyid; Muṣtafa Subaşı (סובשי), Ḥājj Aḥmad; Ḥājj Muḥammad; Kapitan (קאפיטאן) ʿAbd al-Laṭīf; and Mikhaʾel. T-S NS 321.7m: Verso, left page: Headed, "The ship of [...] with the captain Ḥasan (חסאן), leaving for בר אלשאם(??) on 5 Ṣafar. Entries underneath go on to mention ʿAḥmad Dawāʾiʿī(?); Muḥammad Buraymat(?); ʿAli b. [...]; ʿAbdallāh; Muhammad b. Aḥmad; ʿAli [...]; and others. Recto, right page: Headed, "The ship of Ḥājj Yūsuf [...] with the captain Muḥamamd Maṣlūq, leaving for Apulia(??) on 14 Ṣafar. Underneath entries mention: Yūsuf b. Raʾīs; Muḥammad b. Yūsuf; Ḥusayn; Ḥājj Piri; Piri ʿAlī; Jurjī Naṣrānī; someone titled bölükbaşı (בלוק בשי); Muḥammad; Yūnus; Mūsā; Piri Jumayl(?); Ramaḍān; Ḥusayn and Maḥmūd; Ibrāhīm; Ḥājj Qāsim; Muḥammad and Yaʿaqov; and others. Recto, left page: Headed, "The ship of Khayr al-Dīn, leaving for Istanbul on 14 Ṣafar." The next entry refers to sailors (בחרייה) and the unidentified term סרמייא. Then refers to the captains Khayr al-Dīn and one other person; Khalīl; Muḥammad; Yūsuf and his companions; Aḥmad Raʾīs; ʿAlī; and various other names. Verso, right page: Headed, "the ship of Ḥājj Muḥammad Buraymat (? בוריימת) with the captain Ḥusayn, leaving for Istanbul on 19 Ṣafar. The entries underneath mention: Muḥammad b. ʿAbdallāh; Mūsā and Baḥrām (underneath these names the term janissary / yeniçeri / יניגרי appears); Ḥamza; Yaʿaqov; and others.