قائمة/جدول: ENA 3730.2

قائمة/جدول ENA 3730.2

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Bifolio from a ledger of accounts concerning ships departing from Egypt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated (leftmost text block of ENA 3730.2v): 941 AH = 1535/36 CE. In the same hand as ENA 2898.3 + ENA 2898.4 (PGPID 12533), a ledger of accounts concerning ships arriving in Egypt dating to five years later. Also appears closely related to T-S J1.41 + T-S NS 321.7m (PGPID 12751), but there are discrepancies of handwriting and spelling. These fragments may all be from the same ledger but in the hand of two different scribes. Recto, left page: The header specifies the ship of Ḥajj Ḥusayn leaving for Istanbul on 25 Rabīʿ I (ספינת חג חוסיאין סאצר (= ساضر = صادر) לאסטנבול פי כ׳׳ה ראבי׳ אלאוול). In the next row it names both Ḥusayn and Yaʿaqov as captains (רייץ = رئيس) and further down mentions three further names of people also called רייץ. Several others are called khwājā (כוגה). Other names include Yishmaʿel, Yosef, [...]ci, and Aḥmad. Verso: Scattered accounts, related to the other pages, mentioning names such as ʿAli b. Ḥamza, goods, weights, and values. The left page may in fact be the cover page of the ledger (in which case the right page is the back cover), as it reads דפתר אלסאצר עאן סנת ץמא "the ledger of (the ships) departing for the year 941." Recto, right page: The heading also appears to be maritime in nature: "תשלום מרקב אליאו" ("payment for the ship of Eliyyahu"). The entries underneath mention shipments most likely of sugar (סו׳) and pepper (פלפ׳); people such as khwājā Ḥabīb, two janissaries (yeniçeri / יניגארי), Ḥājj Naṣif(?), Ḥājj Muḥammad, sailors (baḥrī) named Ibrāhīm and Waliyy, Ḥājj ʿAbd al-Karīm, Ḥamza b. Muḥammad, and Aḥmad b. Eliyyahu (an unusual name, as Aḥmad is typically Muslim and Eliyyahu is typically Jewish), Yishmaʿel, and Ḥaydar (חאידאר). MCD/ASE.


النصوص المفرّغة

ENA 3730.2 1


ENA 3730.2 2

بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA 3730.2: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain