رسالة: T-S AS 167.30
رسالة T-S AS 167.30What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
Verso (probably original use): Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The female sender complains about the lack of letters from the addressee. "People came from Damascus and informed me that you are [healthy] and doing well. . . but I am a stranger and alone. . . " In the margin: ". . . you between the two trenches (bayn al-khandaqayn), and you told me. . . and the Franks captured him/it. . . ." Recto (probably secondary use): Also a letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew, possibly a draft. Damaged and difficult to read, but seems mostly formulaic blessings and greetings. Might be the beginning of a petition requesting assistance. The names Fāṭima and Mubāraka appear at the top, and it is unclear how these relate to the document.
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Elbaum, Alan
T-S AS 167.30 verso

Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).
- ] בקא פי ש[. . .] סואיי ומן [
- ואלאן לם נרי מנך לא גואב ולא כתאב [
- וגא אלנאס מן דמשק ואעלמוני אנך פ[י עאפיה
- בכל כיר ואלסאעה אנת תעלם ענ[י
- גריבה [ו]חידה וליס לי אחד אל[א
Verso - right margin
- ]קיתך בין אלכנדקין וקלת לי אן [
- ] ואכדוה אלאפרגנ וקראת(?) על[יך
- אלס]לאם